Thursday, January 20, 2011


Tears do fall so freely
And as they do, they take away
A part of you that will never be
The way it used to be.
They rob you of yourself.
And you never know till its late,
Too late to take back tears
Too late to make amends.

Oh yes, time does rule
over the kingdom of man.
Man must abide & stick by its rules
For time decides what you lose;
And what you get,
Time decides whether you keep.

Tears do fall so freely
And you don’t remain ‘you’.
Each tear takes away something,
Something to keep.
Each tear robs you of joy
And then makes you cry when you are joyous
So perhaps you are compensated that way…

But then, when have compensations
ever made up for human loss?

1 comment:

  1. Tears do fall so freely,
    and may be thats the real you,
    with every emotion faked so easily,
    only a tear could depict an emotion so true..
